Our Schools

"In a world that must (urgently) learn to tread more lightly on the planet, how better than to get our children to lead the way? Those of us pretending to be grown-ups just have to make this possible. That is what the Schools' Energy Coop is all about... and what makes it so exciting."
Alan Simpson,  parent and Schools Energy Co-op Director

This map shows the schools in the co-operative and some very basic details of their arrays.


Case Studies

Glenleigh Park Primary Academy, Bexhill-on-Sea 

Energise Sussex Coast Glenleigh Park Primary Academy, Bexhill 6 March 2015

Glenleigh Park Primary Academy is a primary school in Bexhill-on-Sea. Over the summer of 2014 SEC installed a 150kW of solar PV (spread out over 7 of their roofs). We think this still one of the largest community owned primary school installations in the UK.

Glenleigh Park Primary Academy  is one of the schools of the Aurora Academies Trust.  Following our first successful installation at Glenleigh Park  other schools in the Aurora Trust joined Schools' Energy Co-operative and now have their own installations.

“Glenleigh Park school is leading the country in its ambitious use of solar panels. As a champion of solar PV for many years, I am delighted to see such a nationally significant project in my own back yard!

Bexhill students and their terrific teachers are showing everyone how you can help our environment and slash your energy bill, in Glenleigh Park’s case by a staggering 75%. We now need other schools to get on board with the solar revolution!”
former MP Gregory Barker (now Lord Barker).

Courthouse Junior School, Maidenhead

Courthouse is a 10:10 Solar Schools school so staff and pupils had already shown their commitment to a sustainable future by raising money to contribute towards their panels.  Joining the Schools' Energy Co-operative allowed the school to increase the size of the array which was installed.     

"At Courthouse Junior School we work hard to put the environment at the heart of what we do. We are very proud to have been awarded the Silver eco-school award and working with The Schools Energy Co-operative and 10:10 is key to moving towards gaining the gold eco-school award.
Not only will this project help us to generate our own clean renewable energy which helps us to cut our carbon emissions and our electricity bills but the income generated from the project will help pay for future environmental projects for the school and popular eco club."
Gerry Heynes, Head Teacher

Ashlyns School, Berkhamsted

The main buildings at Ashlyns School are listed but the school is building a new sports hall which will also serve the wider community.  The Co-operative has been working with the School and local community group Transition Town Berkhampsted to secure the maximum solar array the new building can accommodate to increase its environmental sustainability.  Students from the school will study the progress of the co-operative in business studies.

Ashlyns School.2

"This is an exciting opportunity for us to combine cost saving benefits with an educational resource - and have a beneficial effect on our carbon footprint. Schools should be at the forefront of using technology to reduce our environmental impact but these are often costly; working with the School Energy Co-op has made this possible for us."
Jacky Webby, former Chair of Governors, Ashlyns School 

If your school would like to get involved in a community solar projects please contact us